Here is the list of frequently asked questions. If have any other questions and/or requests, please contact


As rnavi is managed by a team of voluntary researchers, such contribution is highly appreciated.

We expect posts from researchers

-explaining a research method that is already published somewhere else (e.g., in a journal paper, proceedings, a preprint posted to a preprint server)

-written by one of the authors of the publication.

Posting more than two articles on the same research by the same author is not allowed.

We do not impose other limitations (e.g., the date of publication) for the time being. See also What is rnavi?

No. We accept posts sharing a research that applied/modified a method proposed in a previous study.

Yes, only if it does not violate any rights of a third party and sufficient credit is shown. e.g.) copy from open access articles distributed under Creative Commons license

Copyrights on the posted contents belong to the author. rnavi does not assert copyrights on the posted contents (see also Terms of Use).

Yes, we do not have any restrictions on the date of publication of posted methods.

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