- supersymmetry and duality
- duality
- supersymmetric gauge theory
- 超対称ゲージ模型
- duality in gauge field theories
- duality mapping
- fixed point
- 定点
- metric resolvent
- metric projection
- conformal field theory
- 共形場理論
- nonperturbative effects
- shrinking projection method
- maximal monotone operator
- solitons monopoles and instantons
- field theories in lower dimensions
- field theories in higher dimensions
- AdS-CFT correspondence
- split common fixed point problem
- sigma models
- hybrid method
- 混成法
- robust optimization
- ロバスト最適化
- support vector machine (SVM)
- サポートベクターマシン
- supergravity models
- D-branes
- D-ブレーン
- superspaces
- integrable field theories
- Brane Dynamics in Gauge Theories
- topological strings
- strain hardening
- ひずみ硬化
- global symmetries
- stability
- 安定性
- discrete symmetries
- gauge symmetry
- ゲージ対称性
- ‘t Hooft and Polyakov loops
- topological field theories
- Wilson
- Chern-Simons Theories
- 1/N Expansion
- extended supersymmetry
- core
- Shapley value
- シャプレー値
- pulse width modulation (PWM)
- パルス幅変調